"Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, as our prayers draw is near to the one who knows our needs before we even call His name." -Steven Curtis Chapman.
"It's such a beautiful story, I'm face to face with the King of Glory. You rescued someone unworthy. I know this is love." -Phil Wickham
"I made her in such a way that she would need me. I made her a little more lonesome than she would like to be... only because I want her to turn to me in her loneliness." -Abba. (I made her because I love her -- Poem.)
"Love is never bought, it is freely given -- not because it is cheap, but because it is priceless." - Mark Driscoll
"The love I am singing about is not a pretty, clean love. It's not a Hollywood, hot pink love. It's the kind of love that is willing to love things that are messy. It's willing to love difficult things." - John McMillan
PS. Sorry it has been ten days since the last post. Sheesh. But it's been pretty busy around here. But we will be posting more, promise!
The Girl.
(Pictures by Big Mama.)
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