January 27, 2011

Quotes + Pictures.

"Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, as our prayers draw is near to the one who knows our needs before we even call His name." -Steven Curtis Chapman.
"It's such a beautiful story, I'm face to face with the King of Glory. You rescued someone unworthy. I know this is love." -Phil Wickham
"I made her in such a way that she would need me. I made her a little more lonesome than she would like to be... only because I want her to turn to me in her loneliness." -Abba. (I made her because I love her -- Poem.)
"Love is never bought, it is freely given -- not because it is cheap, but because it is priceless." - Mark Driscoll
"The love I am singing about is not a pretty, clean love. It's not a Hollywood, hot pink love. It's the kind of love that is willing to love things that are messy. It's willing to love difficult things." - John McMillan

PS. Sorry it has been ten days since the last post. Sheesh. But it's been pretty busy around here. But we will be posting more, promise!
The Girl.

(Pictures by Big Mama.)

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January 17, 2011

Snow Baby

Pancho is quickly approaching six months... I keep telling him to stay a my baby forever, but he's not a very good listener. So if anyone has any suggestions on how to stunt child growth, please let me know. ;)
[This one is going to be a canvas on my wall.]

[Big Mama]

January 9, 2011

Boys go hunting, girls go junkin'.

While the big boys {all three ;)}were hunting, we found our way over to our favorite junkin' spot. It's always 'hit or miss,' but we found some fun things today.
Yeah, I start them off young around here. The girls at the junkin' spot know him by name.
Found some great old books and an awesome table.

EZ$ scored a vintage daisy bb gun {Non-working, for all who are concerned}. He wants to be out with the 'big boys' so bad... Soon enough, my dear. Soon enough.

{Please excuse the dirty doodle who wants to play fetch.}

And the Girl's score of the day was this crazy good antique typewriter. Love love love.

Happy junkin'!
[Big Mama]

January 7, 2011

'Boo Boo Bunny' revised.

A couple days ago I found this really cute "Owl Pin Cushion" from The DIY Dish. I thought to myself, if I left this cute little pin cushion unattended it would take a full 3.2 seconds for my pins to disappear and mysteriously become the tip of a poisonous blow dart. Much to every one's surprise, I've turned it into an ice pack.

- The PDF file found here for the pattern of the owl. {we wanted our owl to be bigger, so we enlarged it to 150%.}
- Fabric {enough for the body, approximately 1/4 yard.}
- Fabric scraps {enough for the eyes, beak, wings, and legs.}
- Rice

Step one:
Cut out owl on dotted lines. Trace onto the wrong side of the fabric.

And cut. {I folded the fabric, because you will need a front and back of the owl.}
Step two:
For the eyes, cut out two sets of circles, one smaller than the other. And a triangle for the beak. Sew around the eyes, but I used permanent adhesive for the iris.

Step three:
Using the template, cut out wings. Sew on the sides.

Step four:
Put the right sides of the fabric together, and sew. Leave about a two inch opening at the bottom of the owl.

Step five:
Flip the owl right side out. Look at how cute it is.

Step six:
For the legs, don't do what I did here which is sew the right sides together, because they are too small to flip right side out.
So sew the wrong sides together just outside of the leg template.

Step seven:
Fill body and legs with rice.

Step eight: 
Attach legs to the opening at the bottom of the owl. I just used a whip stitch to sew it up.

And then you have an adorable little 'Boo Boo Bunny Owl.' Keep it in the freezer for when an ice pack is needed. You can also throw it in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up when you need a little heating pad. 
*If you have any essential oils on hand, adding a few drops of Eucalyptus on a warm owl does wonders to help open up a stuffy nose when laid on a little one's chest.

[Big Mama]

January 5, 2011


Hello! Welcome to Out Numbered.... And living to tell about it.
This is a blog of a mom and her daughter trying to survive a house of five boys. We will share about the daily victories and defeats, trials and hardships, and all of the insane moments that make this crazy family ours.

So grab a cup of coffee or of your favorite tea, and enjoy feeling normal while you read about our craziness.

Or, in the words of my sixth grade school bus driver, "Sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride."

[Big Mama] and The Girl.

ps. If you look around, you will notice that we use two different fonts, courier and arial. When Big Mama speaks, Arial will be used. But when the girl speaks, the font will be courier.

pss. Feel free to add one of our blog buttons. :)

January 4, 2011

Gotta love my boys...

Out of the electronics, bikes, and video gaming garb that the boys received for Christmas, it was the used GI helmets and pup tent that they enjoy the most.
One of my favorite online sites for things like these is www.jmcremps.com. Grenades, ammo, medic bags, and riffles have all been purchased here too.

[Big Mama]

January 3, 2011

Mr. EZ.

Me: "EZ$," come on, Mom asked you to get started on your school.
EZ: I don't need to, Sis. I know things.
Me: Oh really, like what?
EZ: I know that the state bird is the blue bird.
Me: Wow, EZ. Good job...What else do you know?
EZ: I know that the state tree is a Dogwood.
Me: Haha, yes it is. Do you know anything else?
EZ: I also know that the state pig is a groundhog.
Me: Well then, didn't know that one... You're going to go far, little buddy.

-The Girl.