January 5, 2011


Hello! Welcome to Out Numbered.... And living to tell about it.
This is a blog of a mom and her daughter trying to survive a house of five boys. We will share about the daily victories and defeats, trials and hardships, and all of the insane moments that make this crazy family ours.

So grab a cup of coffee or of your favorite tea, and enjoy feeling normal while you read about our craziness.

Or, in the words of my sixth grade school bus driver, "Sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride."

[Big Mama] and The Girl.

ps. If you look around, you will notice that we use two different fonts, courier and arial. When Big Mama speaks, Arial will be used. But when the girl speaks, the font will be courier.

pss. Feel free to add one of our blog buttons. :)

1 comment:

  1. this is so fun! I can't wait to read about your life adventures


Thank you for the feedback! :)