Congrats, Ali! & THANK YOU, everyone who donated! We are so thankful for all of our sponsors & participants! You have truly been a blessing to our growing family.
"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:15-17
May 27, 2013
May 23, 2013
Let's talk about adoption...
In today's busy, self-centered life, it is easy for things like
adoption to be pushed to the wayside. There are many
(somewhat legitimate) reasons as to why people cannot/will not adopt
(ps: I'm not saying every family is called to adopt, they're not), but
my heart breaks for 153 million orphans & vulnerable children who
need our help... And when I hear statistics that say the number of
international adoptions has dropped 60% in the last six years, I'd say
we're failing to hear their cries and identify with their lives.
Just know, this is written from a Christian perspective to Christian readers. Because for us, dear reader, adoption changes everything.
Adoption is so intricately rooted in the gospel that we cannot ignore
it nor take it for granted. Keeping in mind that each child is fearfully
and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), we must not simply care for, but
chase after the forgotten and the undesirables.
Let's begin by saying: Christians are not called to adopt, they are commanded (Isaiah
58:10; Deuteronomy 24:17,19; James 1:27).
May 19, 2013
Fundraiser Giveaway!
From Artistic Adoption: Crown of Splendor - Grey ($32.00).
From Haddon & Co: Boy's Bow Tie ($20.00).
From Handmade Colectibles: Handmade Felt Roses ($45.00).
From Echoes of Mercy: a Print of your choice ($10.00).
From Olive Handmade: a $40.00 gift certificate.
From Mercy Ink: 5 Prints of your choice ($25.00).
From 147 Million Orphans: A T-Shirt for you & your child ($37.00).
Y'all should be pros by now. :) A donation of $5 equals one entry. For every $5 you donate, please comment below once. For example, if you donate $25, you can comment five separate times. After you have donated, you can tweet, facebook, or blog about the giveaway for another chance to win! Winner will be chosen randomly on May 27th... Winner takes all!
Thank you for helping bring our girl home!
May 7, 2013
The family is God's design for children.

Through our earthly family, God gives us glimpses into the relationship that we have with Him because of the gospel. He is our Heavenly Father. As believers, we have been adopted into God's family & given a new name, a new family, & a new future (John 1:12). Over & over in Scripture, the Lord refers to us as His children & He as our Abba Father, our Daddy. As kids, our relationship with God the Father is first understood & shaped by our interactions with our own father.
It is also through the family that real discipleship takes place. God did not instruct youth pastors to bring up their youth group in the nature & admonition of the Lord; He gave that command to fathers (Ephesians 6:4). When it comes to the responsibility of disciplining & shaping the next generation, Scripture speaks directly to parents (Deuteronomy 6:5-9).
If parents are not there to love, instruct, & shape their children, who will be? We must be there for them. We must fight for them.
-Jonny Carr
May 6, 2013
winner winner, chicken dinner!
Congrats, Megan!! Email us ( with your info & we'll get those goodies to you ASAP!
Again, THANK YOU to everyone who donated! We really can't say it enough. Since this week was such a success (we raised almost $400, in one week!), we will be hosting another giveaway with even more prizes! The next fundraiser giveaway will be for the mamas/homemakers! I promise, you won't want to miss it. Look for it, starting May 20th!
Again, THANK YOU to everyone who donated! We really can't say it enough. Since this week was such a success (we raised almost $400, in one week!), we will be hosting another giveaway with even more prizes! The next fundraiser giveaway will be for the mamas/homemakers! I promise, you won't want to miss it. Look for it, starting May 20th!
May 2, 2013
Gift Guide: Fair Trade Mother's Day.
Do you have a mother? If so, Mother's Day is coming up, & what better way to celebrate than by giving her a handmade goodie from Africa?! Not only will she have an adorable item to wear, share, or use, but the purchase will also be helping a brother or sister in Africa. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.
For the mover & the shaker: Sseko sandals are adorable, and their possibilities are endless. For a daring mom who wants to always keep things fresh, this is the way to go. Sseko began as a way to generate income for high potential, talented young women to continue on to university. Sseko has graduated three classes of women. Every woman who has graduated from Sseko is currently pursuing her college degree. In addition to our university-bound team, Sseko also employs a full-time team of women from all walks of life. By creating an environment of dignity, honor, creativity and dedication, Sseko Designs provides the opportunity for women in East Africa to end the cycle of poverty and create a more equitable society. Learn more here.
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